How to Buy Decentraland (MANA) in UY Uruguay

Looking for the easiest way to buy Decentraland? Try Transak, a secure platform to buy MANA in Uruguay using your credit card.


Buy Decentraland in Uruguay in 5 Easy Steps


Enter the amount of UYU you’d like to spend. Select UYU from the list of currencies if not pre-selected.


Choose a payment method and see the equivalent amount of MANA you will receive.


Input your Decentraland-supported wallet address.


Login with email and verify your information.


Complete the payment using leading payment methods such as Credit Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Bank Transfer and more to instantly receive MANA in your wallet.

How to Buy Decentraland directly onto other chains?

Select the chain onto which you want to buy Decentraland and get started

How to directly buy MANA on Ethereum chain

With Transak, buying Decentraland network has never been easier! You can now directly purchase Decentraland using your card , Bank Transfer, or any of the 20+ supported local payment methods.Before Transak, the process was more complex, firstly, you would have to buy Decentraland on a primary exchange, then transfer it to a personal wallet, and finally deposit theDecentraland into the Decentraland network. Quite a hassle, right?Well, say goodbye to these tedious steps. Let's get you started with Transak and make your Decentraland buying process as smooth as possible.
Buy Ethereum in 6 Effortless Steps:
Select your fiat currency and enter the amount you’d like to spend.
Select your payment method and see the equivalent amount of Decentraland you will receive.
Input your Decentraland-supported wallet address.
Login with email and verify your information.
Complete the payment to instantly receive crypto in your wallet.

How to directly buy MANA on Polygon chain

With Transak, buying Decentraland network has never been easier! You can now directly purchase Decentraland using your card , Bank Transfer, or any of the 20+ supported local payment methods.Before Transak, the process was more complex, firstly, you would have to buy Decentraland on a primary exchange, then transfer it to a personal wallet, and finally deposit theDecentraland into the Decentraland network. Quite a hassle, right?Well, say goodbye to these tedious steps. Let's get you started with Transak and make your Decentraland buying process as smooth as possible.
Buy Polygon in 6 Effortless Steps:
Select your fiat currency and enter the amount you’d like to spend.
Select your payment method and see the equivalent amount of Decentraland you will receive.
Input your Decentraland-supported wallet address.
Login with email and verify your information.
Complete the payment to instantly receive crypto in your wallet.

Payment Methods Supported in Uruguay

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