What Is A Seed Phrase And How Does It Secure Your Cryptocurrency?



What Is A Seed Phrase And How Does It Secure Your Cryptocurrency_

When you set up a cryptocurrency wallet, you’re often presented with a list of 12, 18, or 24 random words, commonly referred to as a “seed phrase” or “mnemonic phrase”. The wallet interface strongly advises you to note down these words and keep them safe, as they are crucial for securing your funds.

For beginners, this can be confusing — why is this seed phrase necessary, and how can a seemingly random list of words like “apple,” “summer,” or “rocket” protect what could be a significant amount of money in your wallet? It almost seems implausible that such a simple method could safeguard a lifetime’s worth of savings.

This confusion often leads to questions: Why isn’t a simple password enough? What exactly is a seed phrase, and how does it work? Is it the same as a password? Further, the wallet also prompts you to set a separate password, adding another layer of complexity. Users also wonder whether the seed phrase is unique to a specific wallet or if it can be used across different wallets or apps.

These are common concerns for anyone new to the crypto space. This article aims to demystify seed phrases, explaining what they are, why they are so vital for security, and how they function.

What Is A Seed Phrase?

What Is A Seed Phrase_

A seed phrase, also known as a recovery phrase or mnemonic phrase, is a sequence of 12-24 words that represents the master key to your cryptocurrency wallet. You can consider it a human-readable form of your wallet's private keys, which are complex cryptographic codes used to access and manage your cryptocurrency funds.

Why seed phrases seem random, they are generated through a standardized process that ensures each phrase is unique and secure. Note that, here, we are referring to the process as not being random, but the words themselves can be.


Seed phrases are born from a pool of 2048 words, ensuring immense randomness. This makes it virtually impossible for anyone to guess or brute-force your phrase.

Let’s understand seed phrases with an analogy.

Imagine your cryptocurrency wallet as a highly secure vault. This vault has a complex, nearly impossible-to-guess code that grants access to the treasures inside. This code is your cryptographic key.

Now, remembering a long string of random characters like “a1b2c3d4…” would be difficult and error-prone for most people. Instead, the vault provides you with a set of simple, everyday words — your seed phrase — that, when used together, can recreate that complex code.

These words are like a “master key” to your vault. If you lose access to the vault (say, your wallet app gets deleted, or your hardware wallet is lost), you can use this master key to regain access to everything inside. However, just like a master key, if someone else gets hold of your seed phrase, they can access your vault as well.

In essence: A seed phrase is your ultimate backup for your cryptocurrency wallet. It's critical to treat it with the utmost care and security, as losing it could mean losing access to your cryptocurrency assets.

How Did Seed Phrases Emerge As A Solution?: The Origin Story

In the early days of cryptocurrency, managing private keys was a tedious affair. These long, alphanumeric strings were not only difficult to memorize but also prone to errors during manual entry. Losing or misplacing these keys meant losing access to your cryptocurrency forever — a nightmare scenario for any investor.

This pressing problem called for a more user-friendly and secure solution. Enter the seed phrase.

The concept of seed phrases was inspired by mnemonic devices, memory aids that use patterns or associations to facilitate recall. By converting complex private keys into a sequence of easily remembered words, seed phrases offered a practical solution.

The standardization of seed phrases, particularly through BIP-39 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39), further solidified their role in the crypto world.

BIP-39 defined a specific list of 2048 words and a deterministic algorithm for generating seed phrases, ensuring compatibility across different wallets and platforms.

With the widespread adoption of seed phrases, cryptocurrency users gained a powerful tool for managing their private keys. They could now back up their wallets with a simple phrase, easily recoverable even if the original device was lost or damaged.

Difference Between Seed Phrases And Private Keys: Are They The Same?

No, a seed phrase and a private key are not the same, although they are closely related.

Think of the seed phrase as a “master key” that can generate multiple private keys. When you set up a wallet and receive a seed phrase, this phrase is used to create a master seed, which then mathematically generates all the private keys needed for your wallet’s addresses.

So, while the private key gives you control over a specific wallet address, the seed phrase can regenerate all the private keys for all the addresses in your wallet.

This is why the seed phrase is so powerful and needs to be kept extremely secure — if someone gains access to your seed phrase, they can regenerate all your private keys and gain control over all your funds.

Let’s bread it down even more with an example.

Your private key for funds on the TRON blockchain is not the same as the private key for funds on the Ethereum blockchain. But, their seed phrase can be one.

Here's a breakdown of the key differences between seed phrases and private keys in a table:


Seed Phrase

Private Key


A sequence of 12-24 easily familiar words

A long, complex string of alphanumeric characters


Acts as the master key, generating multiple private keys

Controls access to a single cryptocurrency address


Provides access to an entire wallet, containing multiple cryptocurrency addresses

Grants access to a single cryptocurrency address on a specific blockchain

User Experience

Easy to memorize and write down

Difficult to remember and prone to errors during manual entry


Highly secure when kept secret and offline

Vulnerable to theft and hacking if not properly protected

Use Case

Primarily used for wallet backup and recovery

Used for signing transactions and proving ownership of cryptocurrency


Master key to a vault containing multiple safes

Key to a single safe within the vault

In technical terms, the seed phrase is used to generate a master seed (a binary number), which is then used with algorithms like HMAC-SHA512 to derive private keys in a deterministic manner. This method, known as Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets, allows you to derive an unlimited number of private keys from a single seed phrase, ensuring that all keys can be backed up and recovered from just that phrase.

What Is A Seed Phrase_-1

How Do Seed Phrases Secure Your Crypto Wallet?

Seed phrases are perhaps the most impact innovations in web3 that catalyzed mass adoption of blockchain technology. The present an effective security solution by replacing long strings of alphanumeric digits with familiar words.

But how does this work under the hood?

The answer lies in their probabilistic nature. On oversimplified explanation of this is that, “seed phrases are secure because they are hard to guess.

While that may be off-putting, the math behind it is solid. Let’s take a look.

Probabilistic Nature Of Seed Phrases

Seed phrases are typically composed of 12, 18, or 24 words. These words are selected from a predefined list of 2048 words, established by the BIP-39 standard. The key to understanding the security of a seed phrase lies in the combinatorial possibilities of these words.

For a 12-word seed phrase, the number of possible combinations is:

204812 5.4 1039 combinations

For a 24-word seed phrase, the number of possible combinations increases exponentially:

204824 2.96 1079 combinations

To put these numbers into perspective:

  • 12-word seed phrase: The number of combinations (5.4 1039) is so vast that it’s equivalent to the number of grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth, multiplied by the number of stars in the observable universe.
  • 24-word seed phrase: The number of combinations (2.96 1079) is far greater than the estimated number of atoms in the entire universe, which is about 1078.

This makes it virtually impossible for anyone to guess or brute-force your seed phrase.

There’s More: Seed Phrase Generation

The probabilistic nature is a purely mathematical viewpoint. But if the generation process itself is predictable, then hackers can easily empty your funds.

For instance, imagine a crypto wallet company that generates 12-word seed phrases in the order they are listed in the BIP-39 document — words 1-12 form one seed phrase, words 13-24 from another seed phrase, and so on. That won’t cut it for security.

Here’s where cryptography and randomness (entropy) are important.

The Cryptographic Process

When you set up a wallet, the wallet generates a random number called a “master seed.” This master seed is then encoded into a series of words — the seed phrase. The reason this process is so secure lies in the randomness and the one-way nature of cryptographic hash functions used in this process.

  • Master Seed Generation: The wallet uses a secure random number generator to produce a master seed. This seed is typically 128 to 256 bits long, depending on the desired level of security.
  • Seed Phrase Encoding: The master seed is then encoded into a seed phrase using a deterministic algorithm. This process involves converting the binary master seed into a series of words from the BIP-39 word list.
  • Key Derivation: The seed phrase can be used to regenerate the master seed, which then serves as the root for a tree of private keys. Each private key derived from this tree corresponds to a different wallet address, allowing users to manage multiple addresses with a single seed phrase.

The Role of Entropy

Entropy is a measure of randomness, and in the context of seed phrases, it refers to the unpredictability of the seed phrase generated by the wallet.

A 128-bit seed phrase has 128 bits of entropy, meaning there are 2^128 possible combinations. To break this down:

128 bits of entropy: 2128 3.4 1038 possible seed phrases.

Even with modern computing power, trying to guess a seed phrase by brute force would take far longer than the current age of the universe.

How Seed Phrases Facilitate Account Recovery

How Seed Phrases Facilitate Account Recovery

At its core, a seed phrase is a human-readable representation of a master private key. This master key, in turn, serves as the seed for a deterministic algorithm, usually based on the BIP-39 standard. These algorithms generate an ordered sequence of private keys (and corresponding public addresses) from the seed phrase.

Note that while BIP-39 is the most widely used for seed phrases, BIP-32 and BIP-44 can also be used and they can work together with BIP-39.

Source: BIP-0032 GitHub Repository

When you initiate the recovery process in a compatible wallet, you are essentially providing the seed phrase as input to the same deterministic algorithm. The wallet then reconstructs the entire sequence of private keys, effectively recreating your original wallet and granting you access to all associated accounts and funds.

The beauty of seed phrase recovery lies in its independence from specific hardware or software.

You are not tied to a particular device or wallet provider. As long as you have your seed phrase and access to a compatible wallet, you can recover your accounts on any device, anywhere in the world.

The widespread adoption of BIP-39 and BIP-44 standards ensures interoperability between different wallets. This means you can recover your accounts using a variety of wallets, as long as they support these standards. This flexibility enhances user choice and control.

Can You Do Away With Seed Phrases When Using A Cryptocurrency Wallet?

Account abstraction is an emerging narrative wherein cryptogrpahers and developers are innovating to power wallet creation, access, and recovery mechanisms without the need for seed phrases.

The Problem with Seed Phrases

While seed phrases provide a robust security mechanism, they come with their own set of challenges:

  • Complexity for newcomers: The concept of seed phrases, with their long strings of words and the need for careful offline storage, can be overwhelming for newcomers to the crypto space.
  • Single point of failure: Losing or compromising your seed phrase means losing access to all your associated accounts and funds. This puts a lot of pressure on users to maintain its security meticulously.   
  • Limited flexibility: Traditional wallets based on seed phrases offer limited flexibility in terms of account management and recovery options.

Further, while seed phrases are lauded for their human readability, we must admit that remembering 24 random words is impractical, especially when you use multiple wallets.

Enter Account Abstraction

Account abstraction represents a significant step forward in the evolution of cryptocurrency wallets.

By eliminating the need for seed phrases and introducing smart contract-based accounts, it offers a more user-friendly, secure, and flexible way to manage digital assets.


While seed phrases still play a crucial role in many wallets, account abstraction is expected to reshape the landscape, bringing us closer to a truly mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency.

Interested in learning more about account abstraction? Read this deep dive on what is account abstraction and how it works.

Do’s And Don’ts For Seed Phrases



Do store your seed phrase offline in a secure location, such as a fireproof safe or a hardware wallet.

Don't store your seed phrase on any internet-connected device, such as a computer, phone, or cloud storage.

Do write down your seed phrase on multiple pieces of paper and keep them in separate, secure locations.

Don't share your seed phrase with anyone, even if they claim to be from a trusted company or service.

Do memorize your seed phrase if possible, but always have a physical backup.

Don't take a picture of your seed phrase or store it in any digital format that could be easily hacked or stolen.

Do verify your seed phrase after writing it down to ensure accuracy.

Don't enter your seed phrase into any website or application unless you are absolutely sure it is legitimate and secure.


Seed phrases are both a blessing and a burden, offering unparalleled security while placing significant responsibility on the user. They protect the lifeblood of digital finance — your funds — yet they demand an equally robust approach to personal security, emphasizing the importance of careful, offline storage and the ever-present risk of a single point of failure.

Remember, your seed phrase is the gateway to your cryptocurrency holdings. Treating it with utmost care and following the do’s and don'ts will help ensure the safety and security of your digital assets.

If you are looking for your first wallet, check out these 10 beginner-friendly wallets. We have also prepared a guide to help you choose your first wallet.

Finally, you can always buy or sell your crypto without worrying about safety on Transak, the leading destination for fiat-crypto transactions worldwide.

About the Author:

Transak Team