LetsExchange Partners with Transak Fiat On-Ramp

12 Jul 2022

LetsExchange Partners with Transak Fiat On-Ramp

Transak, a single integration for applications to accept fiat-to-crypto deposits from a global user base, today announces its integration with LetsExchange. Transak has over 100 partners within its ecosystem providing API-driven fiat payment methods to on-ramp to 100+ crypto assets in 125+ countries and is removing the complexity of user KYC, risk monitoring & compliance, payment methods and customer support. Funds can be added via debit/credit cards, Apple Pay or even with a simple SEPA/Bank transfer.

LetsExchange is an instant multi-currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and

complications. With hassle-free access, a user-friendly interface, and fast automated transactions, LetsExchange saves users’ time at each step of the exchange process to help them get the most out of every crypto swap. Users can swap cryptocurrencies quickly and at competitive rates. The platform focuses on the simplicity of use; hence, users can transact without registration and KYC checks. 


LetsExchange hopes to grow its unique users that are completing transactions on the platform. As with most exchanges there can be some barriers to participation as holding digital coins is usually a requirement. Prior to this partnership LetsExchange could only offer crypto-to-crypto swaps. Transak will enable LetsExchange to offer fiat-to-crypto exchanges and will make swaps accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world. 


“At LetsExchange, we take our mission seriously. We are committed to providing highly competitive exchange services to our customers. Hence, we pursue strategic partnerships with major players in the crypto sphere to improve our services. Our new partnership with Transak will allow our customers to transact with fiat money and cryptocurrencies. Bridging fiat money with the crypto sphere will contribute to the broader adoption of cryptocurrencies, resulting in a more active crypto market,” LetsExchange communicated.


“Transak is thrilled to help LetsExchange expand its marketplace so users can not only complete crypto to crypto transactions but also be able to begin participation via fiat,” said Sami Start, CEO, Transak. “This is the perfect example of how our API can be easily integrated to make a world of difference and onboard more users to crypto.”


How to Buy Crypto on LetsExchange with Transak

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Step 1: Go to www.letsexchange.io and login

Step 2: Click on Buy Crypto tab on LetsExchange's homepage or within your own dashboard

Step 3: Select your local fiat currency and enter the amount

Step 4: Select the crypto currency you want to buy

Step 5: Notice the exchange rate, fees, and slippage

Step 6:  Click “Buy Now”

For any doubts with regards to your Transak experience, please raise a query at support.transak.com

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Transak Team